Athletic Preparation

How To Add 2-4 MPH To Your Throwing Velocity Without Getting "Dead Arm"

Live baseball performance clinic

About The Baseball Arm Velocity Clinic

Get Personalized Assessment That Identifies EXACTLY What's Holding Your Throwing Velocity Back ​& A Proven Scientific Training System To ​Help You Throw Harder

Host: Josh Gibson

Founder, Athletic Preparation
B.S. Ex. Sci. - Western Michigan

Josh is a nationally certified sports and performance coach that specializes in developing speed and power in team sport athletes.

Host: Dr.Seth King

Founder, Limitless Physio
DPT - Univ. of Michigan

Seth is a former pitcher and sports physical therapist that specializes in helping athletes remove limiting performance factors so they can perform at high levels for longer.

At This arm velocity clinic

You'll Learn & Get ...



We will help you identify asymmetries between arms and ensure you have proper range of motion for a healthy, long and successful baseball career.

Performance evaluation

Quickly identify what's holding back your throwing velocity as an athlete and how to train for it and fix it so you can play your best baseball season yet.

program to improve baseball power 

Get access to this unique and proven training program that builds all 3 phases of strength that builds powerful and healthy arms for baseball.

4 BIG Reasons You Should Attend

  • It takes .08th's of a second to throw a baseball 105 mph. Learn how properly train that develops explosive power to throw harder and discover why traditional training doesn't cut it.
  • Learn how asymmetries are healthy for baseball and how they help you throw harder as long as they are within normal and healthy ranges of motion. (Get your Arm Assessed to know your asymmetry score)
  • Learn how to avoid common baseball throwing injuries like " SLAP Tears " and " GIRD " that hurt your exposure and limit how long you can play baseball.
  • Baseball Ball
    Be walked through a simple step-by-step training program that has been used with Division-1 Baseball athletes and proven to help them throw harder while improving their performance when it matters most ... On the baseball field!

Baseball Clinic Date & Time

Saturday Oct 20th

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Athletic Preparation

141 S. Opdyke Rd. Auburn Hills, MI 48326

What Our Baseball Players Have To Say ...

Collegiate level baseball is a huge leap from competing in high school, but obtainable for anyone willing to seek out the right resources/trainers and have a great work ethic. I know I would not be where I am today without the timeless help of Josh Gibson. Through working on strength, flexibility, and range of motion or flexibility he has made me a better ballplayer. He continues to help me today even while I am playing baseball in North Carolina. If you are serious about your sport, Josh is a good resource to have to improve your game.

Carter Kovalcik Pitcher - NCCU

Billy K Baseball Testimony

You feel a lot of different muscles working in your body that correlates to performing on the field. It's not just a generic program that everyone gets, you get it individualized to you. I can see the ball flying off the bat and stealing bases is much easier so Josh has really helped me prepare in the off-season.

Billy Kopicki Shorstop - Miami University




Live Baseball


*  Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed *


Our Athletes & their Parents make a commitment to learn and train with us — and we make a commitment to help them become better athletes and be healthy for life. 

If we deliver great information and prove we can make you a better athlete, our job is done. If, for whatever reason you are not satisfied with the event and feel we did not serve you, you'll get a full 100% refund on the spot.

That’s our promise. Attend the Baseball Arm Velocity Clinic. If you’re not happy with what you learn, get a refund on the spot. We’re confident in what we do and we stand by our work.

Don't Let YOUR son miss out on this one-time event

Play Your Best Baseball This Season

Waterford Outlaws 2018 Championship

This Upcoming Baseball Season's Success Will Be Determined By Your Off-Season Training!

Perform To Your Potential!

*  Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed *

Frequently Asked Questions

Athletic Preparation

141 S. Opdyke Rd. Auburn Hills, MI 48326
